A lot has been written about Yami Gautam and Pulkit Samrat’s break-up recently. The relationship also allegedly got pretty ugly at a later stage when Sanam Re released and vanished out of public memory in a jiffy. The reason for the break-up was of course incompatibility but the grapevine reported that Pulkit was set to divorce his existing wife Shweta Rohira in order to be with Yami. However, as Shweta is Salman’s rakhi sister, Pulkit never got to go through with it. Especially after being invited to Salman’s 50th birthday bash, where rumours were rife that the superstar tried to knock some sense into Pulkit.
However, the break-up has caused Yami’s fitness trainer Sameer Ansari to lose his job. Unfortunately for Ansari also happens to be the fitness trainer for Pulkit and he is the one who introduced Ansari to Yami. Gautam has reportedly fired Ansari because she wants nothing in her life that reminds her of Pulkit, or so go the speculations.
We get that feeling girl!
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