10 Steps How to Get Your New Post Indexed Quickly

Running a new website is a hard work. You should put a lot of efforts to make your website known, get quality links and take your Top ranking search position. When you post a new article on your website, you want to get faster and faster indexing.
It is not only important to show readers a quality content, but you should strive to build a good online brand authority. There is no doubt that you should have a tough competition in SERP. To do that, you need to provide a good content to the customers for information that is related to your niche. To reach your final cause, you should follow the main steps of SEO:
  1. Make your site crawled by Google bots;
  2. Make your site indexed fast;
  3. Get your Top high rankings in Google.

What means the crawling process?

Crawling is the process that refers to Google bots that browse site pages on the web. As soon as you’ve launched a website, the bot will have to crawl your site in order to know about the existence on the web. The main activity of Google bots is crawling and indexing of the pages. Once the bot has crawled your page it should add it to the category of other crawled pages. It is called like indexing. This process allows readers to find exactly what they need. Your indexed pages are screenshots of the pages Google bots have seen the last time. They are the cached versions of your pages.
When you enter a search query, Google will go through those indexed pages to show you appropriate results. It is a complicated algorithm. The accuracy, you get back in search engine queries, makes Google so competitive and giant among other search engines. I’ve launched a lot of new websites, and I asked yourself the same question: How to get my new posts indexed fast in Google? I’ve made an in-depth research and I’ve covered here 10 ways how to do that.

1. Get to Google Webmaster Tool

It is the best option to get your website indexed. First of all, you should get a Google Webmaster Tools and Google Analytics account. Submit your website here: www.google.com/addurl. It is a safe way to start your indexing. All crawl stats you can check out in Google Webmaster Tools. As soon as you get a new content, you should go to the section Fetch as Google bot, enter you URL and just click Fetch. After getting the status Successful, you need to click Submit to Index. You can type all URLs with the updated content. You can submit up to 500 URLs per week.

2. Adding an XML sitemap

XML sitemap is good navigation way for search bots that tell all pages you have on the website. Especially, if you own a huge website, this map can allow you to index your pages fast. Create your XML sitemap and submit it to your Google Webmaster Tools account. You just need to click the option Add/Test Sitemap in Google Webmaster Tools.

3. Create social profiles

Social networks are one good way to get your new post indexed fast on the web. If you run a new website, you should create social profiles on Google Plus, Facebook and Twitter. Getting a huge amount of retweets, +1s and likes is vital to get considered in search engines as a basis for high rankings. As soon as you create social profiles, add your link in the section about your website, add posts to your social media and submit the URL of social profiles to Google Webmaster Tools. It will boost the crawling rate of this page. Be social in social networks, start conversations with people and post possible news and updates there. The more interaction you get around your website, the faster your pages are indexed.

4. Gain inbound links.

Getting a good amount of quality inbound links helps Google bots to find your pages quickly. Try to build good links from popular and authority websites. Try to get natural and relevant links. You can read more intact link building ways on SE Ranking blog. You can use the following fast link building ways. You can get fast links via blog commenting, sharing your post on Pinterest, commenting on Do Follow blogs. Use the following search strings to find good blogs:

keyword +”Commentluv Enabled”keyword +”Enable Commentluv”Keyword ifollow*.gifYour Keyword & “Enter YourName@”Your keyword +”KeywordLuv”Keyword inurl:ifollow*.gif

 5. Check your website speed

It is a well-known fact that websites that are loaded quickly get good chance to be indexed fast by Google bots. Website speed is an important ranking factor for Google. If you run a large website, make sure you keep track of your site speed.

6. Improve your Internal Link Structure

Make sure that all website pages are interlinked with each other. If your home page is indexed by Google, all other pages should be interconnected to be indexed too. Note: no more than 200 links on each page.

7. Publish Fresh and Epic Content on Regular Basis

Try to stick to your regular schedule to post content. Content is what can attract Google bots and make them come back to crawl your pages. It will be an ideal option to post at least once a week. Make sure your content is of great value in order to avoid to get tagged as a low-quality blog. Take into account other important SEO elements as meta tags, header tags, images, video, keyword density, anchor text and etc.

8. Submit your posts to Digg and Reddit

It is an interesting fact that can make your posts index fast. Submit your new posts to Digg, Reddit or other social popular social bookmarking sites that tend your URLs to pick up quickly by Google bots. It takes them one or two days to get indexed in Google. The drawback of this way is that the URL can stay indexed in Google for a few days or a week before it falls down again. But if your post gets popular, it will stay in the index for a long time. Social bookmarking sites are good ways to be included in the Google index. If you get a lot to say about your site, it will be worthy to try it out.

9. Ping your website

Pinging is another way to alert search engines about your new content. Search engines can meet some troubles to find out where you land on your websites. To make this process fast, you should let them know about you. Pinging services can help you to get indexed quickly by search engines.

Check out the following tools:
Note that if you overdo a pinging activity you can be tagged as spam. It is recommended to ping a website, but make sure you add only fresh content and vital updates on the website to use this tool.

 10. Great website navigation

If you get a good navigation on your website, it will be important for quick indexing. Good navigation is worthy both for users and Google bots. You need to put more efforts to improve your link structure. Use breadcrumb navigation.


By using these strategies, you will make your new posts indexed fast and boost the authority level, relevance of your website pages and visibility for your readers. Keep track of the link quality you focus on your website. Stay away from shady and spam links. If you know another good ways how to get your posts indexed faster, please, let us know what you have in your mind. Do you agree with these ways? Share your thoughts below!
