Sunil Grover, the ace comedian who had a bitter fallout with his colleague Kapil Sharma, has bagged a role in Salman Khan-Priyanka Chopra starrer upcoming biggie Bharat and the comedian is certainly on cloud nine due to this development. Sunil’s character will be Salman Khan’s friend in the film and not like other comic characters for one or two comic sequences. Here is what a source told a daily in this regard.
Sunil Grover, the ace comedian who had a bitter fallout with his colleague Kapil Sharma, has bagged a role in Salman Khan-Priyanka Chopra starrer upcoming biggie Bharat and the comedian is certainly on cloud nine due to this development. Sunil’s character will be Salman Khan’s friend in the film and not like other comic characters for one or two comic sequences. Here is what a source told a daily in this regard.
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