Priyanka Chopra, the sizzling hot Bollywood babe who will next be seen romancing Salman Khan in upcoming flick Bharat, has been approached to star opposite Abhishek Bachchan in Shonali Bose’s upcoming project to be based on a real-life story of Aisha Chaudhary.
The latest buzz doing the round in the industry is that Abhishek Bachchan was narrated the idea of the story by Shonali on the sets of Manmarziyaan and he gave his nod in principle. Here is what a source told a tabloid in this regard.
"Shonali met with Abhishek recently on the sets of Manmarziyan and shared the idea with him. He liked it and she will be giving him the final narration soon. If he comes on board, Priyanka and he will play parents to the young protagonist casting for which is currently underway. Meanwhile, Shonali is working on the script and hopes to start shooting by the year-end."
"Shonali met with Abhishek recently on the sets of Manmarziyan and shared the idea with him. He liked it and she will be giving him the final narration soon. If he comes on board, Priyanka and he will play parents to the young protagonist casting for which is currently underway. Meanwhile, Shonali is working on the script and hopes to start shooting by the year-end."
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