Fans over the world are waiting endlessly to receive any update on Irrfan Khan’s health. The actor who is currently undergoing treatment in UK for neuroendocrine tumour, has been a little silent off late and this sparked rumours of his worsening condition. Irrfan previously updated fans through his social media account about the status on his health and predictably, they can’t wait for their superstar to be cured and to return back home.
Dismissing any rumour about Irrfan Khan’s deteriorating health, his spokesperson recently issued a statement saying, “This latest round of news being spread through social media in the last few days about Irrfan’s health is absolutely false and there’s no truth to it whatsoever. We as his family and friends again request the members of the media to continue their support and the prayers that have come Irrfan’s way. However it’s not right to spread rumours through mediums of social media without fact check or any official validation. In the meanwhile once again we request everyone to refrain from picking up social media statuses as affirmative developments on someone’s health.”
On the film front, Irrfan Khan’s Blackmail just released a week ago and was met with rave reviews. So, stop speculating about his health, and go watch this film if you haven’t already!
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